#95 Student successes!

I taught a custom course last month to a woman working for the federal government – she was given the task to photograph the Canadian government’s apology to survivors of the native residential school system. See post #81.

She went from an occasional hobby photographer to being in the photo hot seat – capturing a highly emotional event with our highest elected and appointed officials!

Talk about stress!

Terri arranged for some of my photo training through her workplace to help her achieve some good photos. We spent time refreshing ideas of photography – this won’t make anyone a pro but it will help achieve results.

Terri did well – see her photos – posted with permission:

student photo
Assembly of First Nations leader Phil Fontaine

student photo
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper

student photo
Canadian Governor General Michaëlle Jean.

Nice work Terri!

A custom course makes sense for the workplace when there is no budget for a pro photographer but good photos are required!


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