That’s a long title and feels a little stodgy. It doesn’t do justice to Dave’s upcoming workshop.
More apt might be:
“Dave’s photo workshop on life, laughter, and how to create an intimate story with people at street level.”
“How to capture the social fabric of a people or community with Dave”
“Burst with smiles and laughter as David Trattles guides you through the essence of street level photography.”

Dave’s no normal photographer, thank goodness. Where most photographers might spend an hour taking a photo, Dave spends a month getting to know his subject.
He has spent 20 years around the world on a bike getting to know people and telling their stories through a camera. He’s passionate, whacky, and loves people. His website proudly offers:
“All photography that involves people. Documentary, Travel, Portrait and Weddings.”
“Taking photographs of ordinary people who do extraordinary things by looking into themselves and their friends, family.”
Extraordinary Things
Dave does things in extraordinary ways including how he leads the workshop. A past student asked “Will there be any… practical application, or is it all lecture?”
I don’t think Dave would ever lecture – and I mean that in a positive way. His sessions are lively, provocative and will teach you more than you would ever learn at a semester of photo classes.
Dave says “the workshop will be a series of assignments followed by review and discussion with the intention of building narrative.”

Dave does things differently – how many people waltz up to the Prime Minister and get the reaction above? – even security is smiling. He does not teach f-stops, exposures and photoshop. He helps you see how to see and how to tell a story.
The Workshop
The workshop is based at Canadian Geographic Headquarters (and not in the field) because what Dave teaches is best taught in many, small doses with your day’s fresh catch on the screen.
When I contacted Kathy and Gilles at Canadian Geographic HQ they needed no convincing to be involved with this David Trattles workshop. They have donated time and space and advertising, asking for nothing in return. They love how he works with people.

Canadian Geographic magazine
His photos glow. His students smile.