Sorry, faithful blog readers!
Over the last two weeks we experienced an annoying infiltration into our WordPress based blog. The blog would intermittently disappear a couple of times a day and we would do our best to restore the files to keep you reading.
Our blog was hit, we believe, by a mischievious meddler with too much time on their hands. Meddler had written a program that targets a whole bunch of sites including ours. The program knows how to regenerate itself. This was not something personal and they didn’t get involved every time the blog disappeared.
The blog has been stable for five days now. We hope we’ve licked this problem. How did we outsmart the meddling smarty pants? We upgraded to a newer version of the WordPress software, changed our passwords and upgraded our security settings. It’s complicated.
We’ve also been told by three faithful readers that our website has recently caused an alert on their browser. Is this related to the dogged blog? We’re investigating. It seems the meddler’s infiltration plopped a few lines of text that promote a nasty site posing as a dive resort, etc that caused the alerts. We’re cleaning this up.
We’re a small business without a significant IT department and a not-very-helpful host – our enquiries to them so far have generated lack lustre support. But we’re very lucky to be connected to a smarter Smarty Pants with good web and research skills capable of handling the meddling smarty pants.
Our Smarty Pants will be supporting our Creative Business Seminar‘s web session on Sunday, November 8th. I will be presenting the web ideas, she will be supporting the presentations.
Please keep us posted with anything you experience at Constructive comments very welcome!