I had a very important job this weekend at the annual Gatineau Loppet – Canada’s entry in the World Loppet ski events. I was head of cheering for my wife and a friend who were racing. While cheering I brought my equipment to document the event.

Gatineau Loppet 2010- punishing Penguin Hill!
Many years ago (1993) I got my start in photography in Canmore and Banff Alberta. I found myself a job photographing portraits of tourists at the top of Sunshine Village ski resort.

Gatineau Loppet 2010 - Lead Pack
This lead into covering races and events at the resort and the Canmore Nordic Centre – home of Olympic Cross Country skiing in 1988. I covered World Cup and other less prestigious events. Very fun.

Gatineau Loppet 2010 - Chase Pack
Earning $ covering these types of events nowadays is tough as budgets are small and there are many organizations offering photo services at low, low prices. I pursue better paying jobs now – hence head cheerleader.

Gatineau Loppet 2010
Enjoy a small selection of our work from The Gatineau Loppet’s classic races shot mostly from part way up the punishing Penguin Hill. Questions? Anytime!

Gatineau Loppet 2010
And you thought you had it tough as your lungs were bursting! Check this ‘arms only’ racer 1/3 of the way up Penguin:

Gatineau Loppet 2010

Gatineau Lppet 2010
And check the smiles – mandatory on this part of the course!

Gatineau Loppet

Gatineau Loppet 2010

Gatineau Loppett 2010
Thanks to the ski patrol for keeping people safe!!

Gatineau Loppet 2010

Gatineau Loppett 2010 home stretch

Gatineau Loppet 2010 - home stretch