In January we ran two separate introductory studio lighting sessions. They are fairly intense sessions held for one or two people looking for a flexible, comfortable session where they can learn the base elements of studio lighting.
Students learn:
- hot lights
- studio strobes
- evaluating and shaping the light
- creative possibilities
- working with models
Studio Session Agenda
Whilw we have an arranged agenda, one of the beauties of the small course is the customize-ability of the session.
The morning is spent learning technical details. The afternoon is spent with models – we seek out people who are appropriate for your style of work. Our models have included newly engaged couples, parents and children, athletes, business people, individuals… all who offer photo challenges for students.
The session is limited to two people and is held in studio. This session can be held in student’s new home studios as they learn to use their new lighting systems.
To see student’s recent work check Prasad’s Facebook page: “Harry Nowell Alumni Photo Club.” The photos shown here are shot behind the scenes with available light.
Student Feedback
We run these fairly regularly now and students leave with smiles. One student wrote:
“I approached Harry Nowell with a request for a specific lighting course. We discussed what I wanted to cover and he developed for me; an excellent custom course.
The course took six+ hours. We had time to meet my goals and cover all necessary information, in detail. I enjoyed Harry’s comprehensive
teaching style, his attention to detail, flexibility and commitment to
excellence. My custom lighting course exceeded my expectations.
I would recommend this experience to others.
-JC of Ottawa, Canada- ”
Contact us if you are looking to learn!