In the last six months we have mentioned a development project we have been working on. Ottawa Studio Works is now in operation with its own site and photography blog.

Ottawa Studio Works Development
The photography studio has been taking shape this fall after a summer of major renovations. We are using our new studio for:
• studio based shoots
• meeting clients
• teaching our workshops
• showcasing artwork
• we are also renting the studio to other photographers in Ottawa and to people wishing an on demand gallery space to promote their own work
The photo studio is a well lit space of 11’x24′ with excellent exposure from Little Italy’s Preston St in central Ottawa. The studio is supported by office spaces, bathroom, change room & kitchenette. is maintaining its own text based blog to feature photo and arts events throughout Ottawa. Each Friday we feature “Friday’s Photographer Roundup” showcasing different photographer’s work.
We will be officially launching the space in the new year with an Open House. Stay tuned and let us know if you would like to receive an invitation to the grand opening!

new photo studio -