About time!
We have just updated our Photo Services page, or, more correctly replaced the Stock Photography page with an updated list of our services.
Well stock photography was all I wanted to do when I started working in photography. It was the most fun work I have ever done: Wake up, shoot whatever you want (that has marketable value), send it to an agency and get paid well.
Ok, I am embellishing and romanticizing a bit but it was a pretty great job. Why did I change? The whole stock market changed:
- People saw the potential and started supplying more work to a saturated market
- Digital cameras made quality photos (seem) easier to produce
- Web made marketing stock easier
- Prices came tumbling down
- We reduced production of traditional stock

Custom Stock Photography - Ottawa
Now we produce very little traditional stock and work more for specific clients building stock libraries for their own purposes.
We also provide work to other clients and markets including executive portraits and event coverage so it was time to rebuild that page. See our new Ottawa Photo Services for yourself.

Executive Portraits - Ottawa
We’ve also added a list of photo courses we usually offer through the year. The list is not definitive or exhaustive but gives you an idea of what you can learn on photo courses at HarryNowell.com.