There were some furrowed brows.
Then lightbulbs started popping.
And they finished the photography class with smiles (and better photos.)
Last week we took a group of Ottawa based government communications staff through a photo class – Photography for Communications Professionals – to help them produce better work photos.
Many of the participants were expected to provide good photos of events, meetings, press conferences as part of their jobs.
That can be scary!
We started the day in our studio and finished with some practical shooting in Ottawa.
“I very much enjoyed the Photography for Comms Professionals course. You were very conscious of the challenges faced by comms professionals and presented some great tips for getting around sticky situations…”
I’ve covered events in Ottawa for years – communications staff benefit!
Our next session is in November, 2011.

Event Photography - Daniel Alfredsson celebrates Royal Ottawa Hospital's 100th anniversary
Thanks, interesting stuff.