Yep, this month we had to choose from some good submissions for this month’s “Reader’s Photo of the Month.” It was a tough final decision this month.
We choose a photo from reader’s submissions based on the photo but also the supporting commentary.
We don’t care what specific camera, lens or how many mega-zooples your processor zapped.
We do care about your inspiration, creative process and perhaps some minor technical info.
Send us a photo for next month’s Reader’s Photo of the Month.
This month’s Photo of the Month belongs to Hagen Hohn:

Hagen Hohn - Reader's Photo of the Month
“My inspiration: Probably the biggest pleasure I get from driving, is the skill needed to drive at speed, door to door, with other drivers that I trust. I’ve been doing it for 12 years now and still love it. The race track provides the safest place to do it. So it was to the track that we went, to try to recreate the feel of sports cars running at speed.
Challenges to overcome:
• First, there is mounting a heavy camera on the side of a car without any shakes. I had a bit of difficulty here as part of the rig i had built (and tested), failed just before we went out. I compensated by shortening the shutter speed.
• The second is shooting at the height of the day. I could only get the track for 20 minutes at noon, so the sun is pretty harsh. I counted it with an 8 stop variable neutral density filter, and a 2 circular stop polarizer. Even with that, the first 5 minutes flew by arranging the cars and giving direction to the drivers, then another 5 minutes trying to get the exposure and camera settings right.
This is my vision: cars, owners and their passions, doing what they intend with their vehicles. Sometimes that might be showing them and participating in competitions, and for others, like these guys, driving them.”
Congratulations Hagen!! Send him some cheers.
It was a good day with gorgeous weather. Many thanks to friends who drove the other cars: Klaus, Dave, Don and Derek.
Good photos like this often require the help of willing accomplices!
Nice work, Hagen!