It’s that time of month – where we agonize a bit on the Reader’s Photo of the Month. Only one photo wins. And that’s the problem. We get some good entries – more should win but there can only be ONE winner per month in our contest!
This month Morina Reece cam out on top with this entry:

Reader's Photo of the Month Photo Contest Winner - Ottawa's Morina Reece
Morina supports her photo saying:
“Kristine asked me to do a photo shoot of her in both dance and yoga clothing. She specifically asked for a “light and airy” feel.
I decided to bring some props to help achieve this feel – scarves, feathers etc. Kristine also brought some interesting props too. Firstly, I decided on a white background for strong contrast and a very clean look. In this photo we chose the turquoise scarf to contrast and brighten up her darkish clothing and hopefully bring an airy feeling to the picture.
It was a little awkward at first as I didn’t quite know how to have her pose with a scarf that would look natural. We tried a few different positions with the scarf but it wasn’t achieving the look I thought she wanted.
It suddenly struck me that “music” might be the answer. We chose some energetic music and instantly she transformed into a dance teacher with lots of expression and fluid movements that matched the scarf’s flow. This pic captured a fun, light and airy look.”
Nice work Morina – some last minute inspiration made the day!!
For her hard work Morina receives a subscription to Canadian Geographic Magazine. Many thanks to Canadian Geographic for the prize!

Canadian Geographic Magazine
So, some of you may ask “Why didn’t MY photo win?!”
There could be many reasons. We look for the following criteria when picking our short list and ultimate winner:
- Good solid photo. Technically well shot – good exposure, in focus in the right places, etc.
- Good composition – an obvious focal point and well laid out
- Something different, something new
- Some accompanying text that tells the story of your shot – we’re not as fussed with camera info and shutter speed. We’re looking for inspiration and creative process.
Please keep trying. Send us your photos and accompanying text! We have another fine prize for next month’s winner – a premium print by renowned printer Dave Andrews. Dave is not just a printer – his work is displayed in Museums and Galleries across North America by artists who come to him for his lifetime of printing skills.

Dave Andrews - Ottawa Printer
Need some help with your photography to help win fame, fortune or our prizes? Consider a photo class or workshop!