We’re back from away – we took some family time to visit Nova Scotia and parts of New Brunswick.
“So where are the photos?!”
I get asked this all the time – I was on vacation which means time NOT taking photos for H! I took a few family snapshots and was asked to teach a very casual Creative Fundamentals Custom Course… by my wife who wants to take more family photos!
We will be back in the office on “catch-up mode.” Here is a look at what is coming up soon at Harry, Inc.:
- Blair Gable’s Photojournalism presentation and the World Press Photo of the Year Exhibit – Starts at the War Museum followed by Blair’s presentation at our studio – Thursday, August 18th – 6:30pm: War Museum visit; 8pm Presentation at OttawaStudioWorks.com

Blair Gable - Ottawa photojournalist presentation - Aug 18
- Natural Light Portraits Photo Course – one of our most popular and longest running courses. Three parts: August 24, 27, 31.
- Handing in our latest wedding to K&K – a very fun wedding north of the city. Stay tuned for a few photos in the next few weeks
- Creative Fundamentals Photo Workshop – our FIRST and the most popular photo class. Starts in September.
- Continued shooting of an editorial feature – very fun for Harry
- Summer is fast disappearing – we still have work on a current Art Project that will be exhibited in 2012.
- Announcement of Scanning and Lightroom classes.

Portrait Photo Class - Ottawa
Stay tuned!