About 18 months ago Mercedes enrolled in our Creative Fundamentals photo class. She enjoyed it enough that she became interested in our ProProgram. For Mercedes, the ProProgram enticed her to help strengthen her résumé in the arts field. And she dove in, eager to learn.
And learn she did!
She soaked up photo classes and pursued shadowing opportunities, establishing important contacts and experience in arts fields. Mercedes has just graduated from the ProProgram. Her photo skills have developed. New doors have opened for her and she’s found a new love of film photography.
Enough from me. Mercedes shares her Photo Program experience:
“Harry Nowell Photography Inc.’s Professional Program (ProProgram) was a definite turning point in my personal and professional lives. Personally, it provided me with the knowledge and skills I had always wanted to acquire, even as a hobby photographer. It gave me the background I was lacking to produce better photos and to overcome my fear of film and to overcome the technical challenge of using a camera. I feel more confidant about my ability to capture an image, a moment, a memory.

© Mercedes Déziel-Hupé - Oscar Peterson inspiration
Professionally, I feel that my eye has been trained in a different way than what was taught in my Communications program in university. Instead of simply analyzing a photo from its marketing perspective, I now know how to evaluate it’s aesthetic and technical qualities as well. Moreover, I am competent at manipulating or modifying an image if and when necessary. Naturally, this is very valuable to me as a communications professional. In this sense, I have become more equipped to cover a work-related event or take on a private contract, if the need should arise. In addition, I am more aware of the realities surrounding the career of a photographer and this enables more constructive dealings with photographers hired on through and for professional functions.
The format of the ProProgram is rigorous yet very convenient as it is flexible. There is a good balance of theory, hands-on learning, practical exercises and homework and professional coaching. One must be self-motivated, but this is an ideal program for professionals looking to redirect or to refresh their skills or for a serious hobby photographer looking for more training. Harry’s teaching is efficient and kind, positive and constructive and his workshops are organized while still allowing plenty of room for creativity. That’s the point, isn’t it? Lastly, there is a wonderful support system put in place for all ProProgrammers to discuss and help each other through every step of the program.

© Mercedes Déziel-Hupé @ Ottawa Fashion Week
As a recent graduate of the ProProgram, I am currently working on my very first extensive photo project and am working towards a show. I don’t want to give too much away right now, but let’s just say it addresses one of my passions: dance. Follow my blog for updates. Stay tuned!”
Good work Mercedes! Check her blogs:
Please help us cheer for Mercedes’ achievements and bright future!
Congratulations, Mercedes!
Congrats Mercedes! Well done.
Woot! Welcome to the other side.
Looking forward to watching you on the rest of your journey.