We’re very happy to announce we’re offering our Pro Hockey Photo Workshop with the Ottawa 67s in 2012 – our fifth year running this fantastic event.
Hockey/photo fans love getting close to the action to photograph the next NHL superstars as the Ottawa 67s take on the Kingston Frontenacs.

Get close to the action with 'Photographing Pro Hockey' - Ottawa photo class
We have arranged privileged access to allow participants of this workshop to shoot from ice level with mainstream media photographers.
We meet a week before the game to cover elements of shooting fast paced indoor hockey including equipment, techniques, and logistics.

Photographing Pro Hockey - Ottawa Photo Class
On game day we walk you through shooting to achieve the best results and gain experience shooting fast paced indoor sports.
And finally we meet a third time to review, critique your successes and suggest improvements for future games.
See last year’s workshop.
And 2010’s workshop.
Valerie, one of our first graduates of this course now runs the Ottawa 67s fan blog and has produced two books on the Ottawa 67s.

Photographing Pro Hockey - Ottawa Photo Course
Join us for this chance of a lifetime:
January 28th: hockey prep, 10am-1pm
February 4th: Game Day, noon-6pm (approximately)
February 8th: Review & Critique, 6-9pm
Locations: Ottawa Studio Works and the J Benson Cartage Centre at Lansdowne Park.
Cost – $325 + taxes.
Join us for Photographing Pro Hockey!