A couple of years ago Sandra Finner contacted me about taking her photography to the next level with the idea of shooting weddings and portraits in Ottawa.
She joined the ProProgram and started working. Developing photo, networking and business skills suitable for photo work is a long process.And Sandra dove in head first.
After completing five of the program’s courses, ‘One-onOne’s’ and some shadowing Sandra is taking bookings for portraits and weddings. She’s smiling, too. She has every reason to be! In the two years since I have met Sandra her work has blossomed. I am proud of her.
What does Sandra say?
“As a recent graduate from the Harry Nowell Pro Program I wanted to take time to congratulate you on offering such a well designed program that has helped advance my photography faster than it would have taken in a larger, more formal classroom.

student success! - Sandra Finner Wedding Photography
The people I’ve met and the contacts I’ve made while in the Pro Program have absolutely helped me be a better photographer. This program not only teaches technique but by mentoring each photographer on an individual basis with one-on-one sessions, you help us understand our strengths & weaknesses and focus on areas that need attention.

student success! - Sandra Finner Wedding Photography
The variety of courses offered, whether it be shooting with and developing film, night, studio & natural light photography, understanding flash photography or learning unconventional shooting techniques [in the David Trattle’s course] have all helped me learn how to progress from a casual picture taker to doing professional work that my customers have been excited about.
Thanks Harry for being so generous with your time and knowledge and introducing me to the Ottawa photography community. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed all my time learning from you and I feel confident that my business will continue to move forward which was my goal.

student success! - Sandra Finner Wedding Photography
I look forward to meeting the new students at the regular social events and following along with their successes as well.”
Join us in cheering for Sandra!
Congratulations, Sarah! Wonderful job!
She did a good job!
I am excited to see her work develop from here.