This week on the photo blog takes some juggling…
• Follow-up, admin and proposals
Many people think a photographer’s main job is photography. Every week I spend a large amount of time emailing, phoning and writing proposals for work I hope to get…
We write the Exposed! photo newsletter every month, sometimes early, sometimes late. Our last one came out very early February, so it’s been six weeks since we sent some fun. This week we are pulling it together. Coming out next week. Focus and depth of field… This week we are hoping to send a survey. Stay tuned.
• Stock shoot
Two full days of work. They’ll be big days for a government client. Targeted stock for client’s promotional use. Targeted stock? I produce stock imagery using specific people, scenarios, locations to meet specific needs within the organization. I do this kind of work for private schools, small businesses, professionals, government. Fun.
• Working Creatives
Five years ago I started a networking group for full time, working, creative people. There are over 180 people on the list. Usually 10-30 people meet as often as we can to discuss all kinds of items specific to working creatives. This week the group meets to discuss copyright.
• Open Doors at the studio
It’s a busy week already so Open Doors at our photo studio will take a break until March 28th and April 4th. Come and visit. Stay tuned – we’ll be showing work, presenting ideas, offering critique… something to be determined. We keep the dates posted on the home page of Ottawa Studio Works or the workshops page.
No teaching this week. But we’re excited about new, upcoming workshops, classes and safaris.
The Watershed Exhibit continues to make headway – meetings and development continue this week.
Stay tuned…

Juggling the fun!