Last summer’s Bike Race Photo Safari pulled many photographers out to test the limites of their skills.
It’s fast. It’s fun!
But what makes this safari so amazing for photographers is the constant action – cyclists pass the photographers at high speed… every minute. “Oops, I missed the shot… Oh, here they come, again!”
It’s so popular we feel obligated to bring the Bike Race Photo Safari back this year!

Bike race photo safari
The scoop:
We meet as a group and cover the ideas of shooting fast paced action as athletes warm up. We select 3-4 locations over the event while handing out challenges to push your limits. Cyclists race around a closed loop ensuring photographers get to shoot action every minute or so.
The event flies by.
Photos shine.
Smiles glow.
“It was the perfect race for a safari and I picked up some good tips … You have an excellent teaching style.”
“Harry, you are constantly coming up with innovative workshops. This Safari was brilliant! It gives us seasoned photographers opportunities to shoot something different and brush up on our skills.
Thanks so much for being Harry. You are always so consistent with making sure everyone understands the concept and getting it in our cameras.”
Date: June 26th, 2012; 6-8:30pm (approx.) Rain date: July 10th; 6-8:30 pm (approx.)
Cost: $65 + HST
Location: 15 minutes from downtown Ottawa.

Bike Race Photo Safari - Ottawa