#837 Young Cancer Survivors Photo Exhibit @ Ottawa Photo Studio

It’s coming up fast.

Lou Truss introduces you to the faces of some courageous young women. Her show, “Faces and a Cause,” showcases young women who have fought breast cancer.

Cancer Survivor Photo Exhibition Ottawa

© Lou Truss - courageous cancer survivors!

Lou says:

My father was diagnosed and died quite suddenly with Cancer eleven years ago.

Since then I’ve always wanted to raise awareness about this horrendous disease, and my photography seemed like the fitting avenue to go down. The idea photographing women who have survived Breast Cancer came about when Harry Nowell photographed Katie Evans.

I met Katie and talked to her about Breast Cancer and how she dealt with the treatment. She blew me away with her courage and strength.

It also blew me away when I found out how young she was when she was diagnosed.

Cancer Survivor Photo Exhibition Ottawa

© Lou Truss - courageous cancer survivors!

Meeting Katie was a turning point for me. I then decided to photograph women who have been diagnosed with Breast Cancer.

I’m amazed that women in their early twenties are now being diagnosed. When you are in your 20’s you think you’re invincible, you can live forever. Women in their 40’s + get Breast Cancer!

I never checked myself when I was in my 20’s. Having a young daughter has made me more aware that she needs to check herself when she’s older.

The charity I chose to support is Young Adult Cancer Canada which is close to Katie’s heart.

The women I photographed are amazing.

They are incredibly strong, beautiful women and I feel incredibly honoured to have been able to capture their images.

Come celebrate the show, meet courageous women, share experiences, donate, laugh and live.

Friday, September 14th, 2012;


160 Preston St. – between Gladstone and Somerset.
Funds will be collected for “Young Adult Cancer Canada.”
Congratulations Lou! We are very proud of Lou’s success – she’s a graduate of our Pro Photo Program.
Cancer Survivor Photo Exhibition Ottawa

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