We’ve shaken things up a little.
Our old site has looked similar for many years and, well, we wanted a change. We hope you like it. We’re cruising for bugs so please let us know if there are any inconsistencies.
Why did we change?
There are a few reasons:
• The functionality of WordPress across the board. Yay. WordPress? Easier web development and design.
• Our new online program uses new software that benefits from WordPress so we wanted to go live as the full online program launches this month
• We wanted a new look!!
Our Summer Online Photo Program is turning into the Full Online Program this month. We had fun this summer developing the program. Thanks to all the people who helped us get off the ground!
What’s New?
We’re adding a new forum section to the Online Program and members will now have controlled access to the content.
This Month’s Online Challenge?
The fun of getting closer with your camera or smart phone!
Join us for the monthly challenges in the online program!

Close-up fun with your camera or iphone!