In October one of our regular photo course participants asked for a specific photo session. She had done well in photo courses and understood photo concepts. Where she wanted was help on the process of taking a photo.
She suggested that she shadow me on a simple photo assignment. I was to do some shooting and talk through every aspect of what I was doing from:
• pre planning
• equipment selection
• approaching & evaluating the ‘assignment’
• selecting specific equipment
• evaluating and setting exposure
• shooting, angles and approach
• assessment
• edit
• self critique
We went to the Byward Market and spent a couple of hours shooting, editing and critiquing my process and work on a mini photo class.

Process of Photography
What happened?
Well, I’ll let Madeleine say:
“Harry – yesterday morning I got out of bed and made it to the Champlain bridge before sunrise. This picture (below) is not perfect but I had fun going through the exercise of adjusting the ISO, shutter speed and aperture while the light kept changing.
If it had not been of the two hour safari we did together in the Byward Market going through the process step by step I don’t think I would have even attempted this morning’s adventure. Thanks to you I don’t feel overwhelmed by the technical aspects of photography any more and I am now confident enough to go out, take pictures and learn.”
Merci, Madeleine!

Process of photography
Photography is a challenging adventure if you are looking to improve your photos beyond snapshots! Madeleine has done well and her photos are improving nicely over the last year!
Interested in a customized mini course to explore the process of taking a photo? It helped Madeleine and has helped others. Contact us if you want to learn more about the process!