Watershed Art Exhibition
It’s a big weekend – we’re exhibiting Watershed and other stories at the New Art Festival in Ottawa.
It’s a very fun collection of artists showing and selling their work. Last year was my first year and it ranged from misty to pouring – and that put a damper on things! This weekend the weather looks fabulous!
I’ll be exhibiting some “Watershed” – a photographic exploration of 13km of a creek that meanders through Gatineau Park and Old Chelsea, past our home and under Highway 5. Most of the work was shot on medium and large format film. I’ll also exhibit other stories – something for everyone…

… And Other Stories
But come and see others, too. Who’ll be there?
• Louis Helbig! He’s an aerial photographer who has shot the Alberta tar sands, Sunken Villages and has just returned from a new aerial adventure – but you better ask him about that! …erm, I just found out Louis is away this weekend!
• Sandy Sharkey! She’s a super woman – just returned from shooting wild horses in the Western United States.
… And many, many others!
Please join us.
Saturday June 15th to Sunday, June 16th.
Central Park,
The Glebe,
My booth is ‘9 south‘ near Clemow and Bank St.
Free admission.
Last year there was cake!