Free photo safari in Gatineau Park!
That’s right – we’re offering a free photo safari in Gatineau Park.
There’s no catch.
You just have to get to MacKenzie King Estate and, if you come by car, there is an $8 parking fee per car.

Gatineau Park Photo Safari!
We offered the session last year. It was well received and we’re doing it again!!
The National Capital Commission is picking up the tab for the (approximately) 45 minute photo safari – we’ll be visiting different sites on the estate and offering tips and challenges for any skill level and equipment – iPhone to pro DSLR.
• Saturday, August 31st
• 4x afternoon time slots starting at 1:15, 2:15, 3:15, 4:15pm
• MacKenzie King Estate information (including directions!) – meet at the flag pole by the tea room.
Visit Gatineau Park!
Bring a camera.

Free photo safari!
Hi Harry,
I would love to be a part of the 4:15 group. If there is no room, let me know as I am flexible with the other times.
Come on up Eric – no registration needed!