#1018 Online Photo Course – Student Successes!

Web based photo challenge

Framed! – Online Photo Course © Eryck B. – Dog is framed by focus and patio stone.

In October we ran a compositional challenge for members of our online photo program.

One of my pet peeves is messy, nasty backgrounds that pull and detract from a beautiful main subject.

Our challenge, “Framed,” was designed to help photographers make their main subjects pop!

Online Photo Program

Framed! – Online Photography Course © Liz Ruddick – Bear’s head is framed by dark green background…

Member photos made me smile!
And the program continues to create smiles:

This course has accomplished two things for me. First, it has renewed my love of photography and second it has made me a better photographer.

Web photo course

Framed! – Online Photo Course © Sara H. – White dress and black hair help separate the woman from the background. She’s also framed by the door!

I really do like the format and look forward to getting out more as it provides a purpose to taking photos with an objective/goal…and you provide very good advice and tips which everyone can benefit from.

Online Photo Course

Framed! – Online Photography Course – © Willa M – The person is framed in beautiful circle of light. The sun flare leads your eye to the main subject!

Thanks for another great challenge this month. I found myself looking for ways to frame almost everything I saw over the last few weeks!

Congratulations, everyone!
Join us for the Online Photo Program
@ HarryNowell.com.

Web photo challenge.

Framed! Online Photo Challenge © Don D. – Photographer is framed in the middle horizontal rectangle of the background. Nice silhouette!

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