Better photos require many things – practice, learning, mastering fundamentals.
One thing that rarely gets mentioned in photography is goal setting.
Goals help you improve. It’s true.

Photo Goals - set your sights!
The process of developing your photo ideas takes time, practice, brainstorming, discussion and the commitment of thinking things through on a structured, regular basis.
The classic model to achieve this is through goal setting – forcing yourself to think through what you want to do and (more importantly) how you might get there – on a regular basis. The goals are less important than the process – visiting the ideas and goals regularly to help your photos get wherever they’re going – quicker!
The process is active. Goals change all the time. But the result of this ongoing brainstorming process has been documented to create and accelerate results.
What are your photo goals for the summer?
Me? I want to create 10 new exhibition quality pieces for the Watershed collection by the end of July. There, I’ve said it. I better get to work!