Don’t tell them they’re learning.
But keep up whatever keeps students excited.
A Finnish teacher describes her kinder class’ “secret” learning as they learn early math and literacy through very non traditional activities such as stomping puddles. I’ve seen children gleefully learning traditional material in puddles, mud and snow with full engagement. If they are enjoying their activities, they will be learning.
Before modern school, people supported their life through trades, skills or professions for which they had aptitudes. They learned what they liked to do or where they had skills. And the learning was not a chore. In essence they were experiencing secret learning – following their passions or skill sets…
And so secret learning can support many modern students – challenged or traditional. Allow the student to learn through their passions and the learning becomes easier…
What early learning expectations relate to frogs?
• Math – Early numeracy: Count the digits (fingers/toes).
• Language – Vocabulary: Describe how the frog feels.
• Science – Habitats / Life.
For more advanced learners more complex passions can draw out their learning.
The biggest challenge of “secret” learning? Time and resources to connect with students…