We’re pretty excited.
In November, Perth photo artist, Kevin Foisy joins us at Ottawa Studio Works for his show of new works – “Love through the Lens.”
I’ve been watching Kevin’s work develop over the last year + and like what I have seen!
The show:
Perth area art photographer, Kevin Foisy, combines traditional and new photographic tools to create images of love that combine the literal with the abstract. “Love through the Lens” features recent works, each connected by a theme of love; love of nature, love of fellow man, love of family, love of life.
Kevin’s imagery and written words connect the viewer with the subject matter, teasing their emotions from within. This is the first opportunity to purchase Kevin’s most recent work.
Kevin Foisy – photo exhibition – Love through the Lens :
Kevin Foisy, Artist Statement:
“In an increasingly digital world, we long to experience the essence of life beyond BlackBerries, iPhones, and social networks. We crave a connection with the natural world around us and there are few mediums left that can create that connection.Photographic art is a language for me. On its own, a photograph can provide a viewer with a simple visual experience. But an artistically expressed photograph imparts a powerful visual medium, using a vocabulary that conveys deep emotions such as love, compassion, peace, joy and sorrow in a very personal way that requires no words. My art reaches into people’s hearts, tapping into emotions that long for release. It appeals to a side of us that desires the natural world experience, longing to be one with the world around us.
Kevin Foisy – photo exhibition – Love through the Lens:
Abstract art has always engaged my mind, enticing me to draw out my own story, my own images, turning the wheels of my imagination. When an abstract piece is connected to something tangible, the abstractions become even more powerful and I feel a delightful sense of engagement that keeps me interested far longer than a literal image would. My work draws upon this understanding
I often stand before a subject and contemplate the underlying emotions behind the scene that I am about to capture. Using a combination of in-camera shooting techniques and post-processing artistry, I combine the literal image with its abstract essence. The literal image grounds the viewer in the place or thing, while the abstract engages the mind, drawing out the underlying emotions of the experience. This combination allows the viewer to feel the true nature of the subject matter.
Each day, each experience, each emotion provides a fresh canvas to paint as I strive to use photographic light and artistry in ways that remind us of the emotions within.”
Please join us in November to celebrate Kevin’s new works:
Where: Ottawa Studio Works; 160 Preston St., Ottawa
When: Friday, November 25th, 2011.