#448 Photo Workshop Reviews

In the last couple of weeks we have completed a number of photo courses in Ottawa:

Photography for Communications Professionals – Participants from communications departments shared experiences and developed skills to make them shine! Some feedback:

Photography for Communications Professionals is the perfect length, perfect structure, and perfect information for government photographers. One of the best teachers I’ve ever experienced.” A.P. – Ottawa

Printing with Dave Andrews – we had a full house for our first workshop with Dave Andrews. Smiles developed and light bulbs popped as participants learned to navigate their way through printing perplexities.

Night Light Photo Course – aside from an unexpectedly chilly evening we had perfect weather for exploring the changing magic of lights at night. Monique offered a couple of successes for the blog, below – Thanks Monique!

Missed your chance to participate this spring? Watch for all these photo courses to appear again in Ottawa in the fall of 2010.

Night Light Photo Course - OttawaNight Light Photo Course – Ottawa
Night Light Photo Course - Ottawa

Night Light Photo Course - Ottawa

#447 Paul Nicklen – photo spotlight

Paul Nicklen dives under ice and water with a camera for a living. As a wildlife biologist turned photographer his work is often featured by National Geographic.

A reader recently sent us a link to a video featuring Paul’s quest for Leopard Seal Photos in the Antarctic.

The footage glows because of the brilliance of the location but really shines because of the story of the massive predatory Leopard Seals reaction to Paul’s presence – the Leopard Seal tries to feed Paul’s camera – ever wanted interior close ups of a wild carnivore’s mouth?

See Paul’s story via YouTube.

#446 Congratulations Claude!

In the world of Ottawa/Gatineau portraiture there are many people who do excellent work. One has recently received a prestigious award.

Claude Brazeau has won the Professional Photographer’s of Ontario‘s Portrait Photographer of the year award for 2010. Claude specializes in weddings and has worked hard to be awarded this honour!

Congratulations Claude!

Portraiture is a very personal art form. There are many excellent photographers with many different styles. Compare Claude’s work to some other styles (our work – below) and at DavidTrattles.com and Jill Greenberg’s Manipulator.com

Ottawa Portrait Photography

Ottawa Portrait Photography

HarryNowell.com Ottawa Portrait

HarryNowell.com Ottawa Portrait

Ottawa Portrait Photography

Ottawa Portrait Photography

Ottawa Portrait Photography

Ottawa Portrait Photography

#444 Free photos!

It can be frustrating… free photos.

I have lost work to people offering free or close to free photos to paying, commercial  clients. A colleague, Brian, who shoots music, festivals and fashion sent me a link to a recent news article that is all too telling.

Now, truth be told, there are two charitable groups I support with some photography once a year – one being the SPCA of West Quebec. That aside, it can be frustrating to lose work, usually to amateurs, who love to see their photos used.

It’s no fun to get scooped but the effect of digital cameras is here to stay. This free phenomenon has dramatically changed the stock photography industry, festival photography and many others areas.

The value of photos like the one, below, has drooped because so many people are willing to give them away.

Free photo phenomenon

Free photo phenomenon

As frustrating as it is, photographers have to adapt. Free is not going away. Pursuing larger clients who recognize the value of fine work, branching into areas like video that are less affected by the free phenomenon and seeking out new markets are ways people are looking to make up for lost revenue.


Thanks Brian.

#443 Photo and security

I got an email from Chris, a reader and past student, with some notes on shooting (and security) in public in Ottawa.

Since 911 many organizations have become more, erm, panicked about people taking photos. I have been ‘moved along’ from public places because I had a camera and was photographing.

It’s a tricky situation. Security is important but getting official permission to shoot is often overwhelmingly tough! I choose what to do about permissions depending on circumstances.

The photo below was taken on a bus service from Reykjavik to Iceland’s international airport.

  • Did I ask permission? NO! They would have said a quick no.
  • Is it causing any trouble? NO! Nobody is recognizable, there are no logos.
  • I didn’t ask and I also didn’t make a big production of the shoot. I chose my seat knowing the photo I wanted and quietly shot with the camera in my lap.
Transport Photography

Transport Photography

Chris suggested a link he found that is a bit of a personal rant on security and photography in Ottawa.

Chris also suggests there are OCTranspo exemptions to transit photography and photographing Ottawa buses and transit when it is for personal use:

“Exemptions for PERSONAL use of camera equipment were posted by an OCTranspo Driver:
OC Transpo (Section 19, “General Prohibitions”)
(6) No person shall operate any camera, video recording device, movie camera or any similar device on transit property without the express written permission of the Director.


(7) Subsection (6) does not apply to the following:
a. the operation by a person of any camera, video recording device, movie camera or similar device on a transit vehicle where such operation is for personal use; or
b. the operation by a person of any camera, video recording device, movie camera or similar device on a transit station platform area where such operation is for personal use.

Thanks Chris!

It’s a tricky area! Take photos. Do good things. Be polite. Have fun.

#439 – Ottawa Photo Challenge – test your editing skills!

PechaKucha (‘Pe chak cha’) comes to Ottawa on March 31st.


PechaKucha started in 2003 as a way for people to present work in an informal but structured way to a group of peers. Participants prepare 20 photos that are presented for 20 seconds – no more no less.

Editing Exercise

This is a fabulous exercise in editing and mimics the kind of decisions needed to deliver a proposal to a prospective client. You are limited to few photos to get your skills and message across – choosing only 20 is tough and depends on who is viewing and what your intended message is!

PechaKucha is generous in the number of photos and time per slide. In reality, you may present ten photos for 2-3 secomds each when catching a client’s attention.

Pecha Kucha is often considered as the basis of framework for effective presentations.

More information on Pecha Kucha:

Visit the Ottawa PechaKucha event on March 31st!

Pecha Kucha - Ottawa

Pecha Kucha - Ottawa