2012 will soon hand off to 2013.
We are working on a slower schedule for the next couple of weeks aand the photo blog is taking some time off. Ahhhh!

Christmas photo - HoHoHo
So, I’d like to say a few thank-yous and shout outs for the year.
First, I’d like to thank family. At times I work whacky hours – evenings, weekends and sometimes late into the night to prepare files for clients. Thanks for the support.
Photo Students
Second, I’d like to send a shout-out to students of our photo workshops. It can be scary to pick up a camera and test yourself. I’ve seen many of you flourish and succeed in photography and life. You make me smile!
ProProgram and Online
Third, I’d like to thank our ProProgram students on Online Photo Class students – they have put a lot on the line to accelerate their photography. They’ve worked hard to pull together photo, people and business skills. I am cheering for you!
Photo Clients
Fourthly, I’d like to thank all of our clients – photo assignment clients, workshop clients, editorial clients and people that purchase our art work, photo cards, studio rentals, etc.
Every dollar you spend helps support our business and family.

SPCA Santa and pet shoot 2012
This photo blog will be taking a break over the second half of December. Come back in January for three posts a week of photo news fun and tips.
If you need us over the holiday break we will be open for:
• Workshop registrations (you can also register online for many of our offerings on the specific workshop pages.)
• Last minute gifts – prints, gift certificates, workshops, greeting cards
• Work requests.
• Information.
Please contact us as you need. Between Christmas and New Year we will be on a slower response schedule.