#684 ProProgram Graduate – Student Success!

About 18 months ago Mercedes enrolled in our Creative Fundamentals photo class. She enjoyed it enough that she became interested in our ProProgram. For Mercedes, the ProProgram enticed her to help strengthen her résumé in the arts field. And she dove in, eager to learn.

And learn she did!

She soaked up photo classes and pursued shadowing opportunities, establishing important contacts and experience in arts fields. Mercedes has just graduated from the ProProgram. Her photo skills have developed. New doors have opened for her and she’s found a new love of film photography.

Enough from me. Mercedes shares her Photo Program experience:

Harry Nowell Photography Inc.’s Professional Program (ProProgram) was a definite turning point in my personal and professional lives. Personally, it provided me with the knowledge and skills I had always wanted to acquire, even as a hobby photographer. It gave me the background I was lacking to produce better photos and to overcome my fear of film and to overcome the technical challenge of using a camera. I feel more confidant about my ability to capture an image, a moment, a memory.

Photo Class success

© Mercedes Déziel-Hupé - Oscar Peterson inspiration

Professionally, I feel that my eye has been trained in a different way than what was taught in my Communications program in university. Instead of simply analyzing a photo from its marketing perspective, I now know how to evaluate it’s aesthetic and technical qualities as well. Moreover, I am competent at manipulating or modifying an image if and when necessary. Naturally, this is very valuable to me as a communications professional. In this sense, I have become more equipped to cover a work-related event or take on a private contract, if the need should arise. In addition, I am more aware of the realities surrounding the career of a photographer and this enables more constructive dealings with photographers hired on through and for professional functions.

Ottawa Photo Class Success

© Mercedes Déziel-Hupé - Inspired by James Dean - shot on film!

The format of the ProProgram is rigorous yet very convenient as it is flexible. There is a good balance of theory, hands-on learning, practical exercises and homework and professional coaching. One must be self-motivated, but this is an ideal program for professionals looking to redirect or to refresh their skills or for a serious hobby photographer looking for more training. Harry’s teaching is efficient and kind, positive and constructive and his workshops are organized while still allowing plenty of room for creativity. That’s the point, isn’t it? Lastly, there is a wonderful support system put in place for all ProProgrammers to discuss and help each other through every step of the program.

Ottawa Photo Class Success

© Mercedes Déziel-Hupé @ Ottawa Fashion Week

As a recent graduate of the ProProgram, I am currently working on my very first extensive photo project and am working towards a show. I don’t want to give too much away right now, but let’s just say it addresses one of my passions: dance. Follow my blog for updates. Stay tuned!

Good work Mercedes! Check her blogs:

Mercedes’ photo blog

Mercedes’ Dance blog

Please help us cheer for Mercedes’ achievements and bright future!


#683 Do-It-Yourself Portraits in Ottawa

Shoot your own portraits in a well-equipped photography studio in central Ottawa – Just in time for the holiday season.

That’s right, direct your own shoot, photograph your own family, friends, colleagues, save money, control your photos.

Do-It-Yourself portraits - Ottawa

Do-It-Yourself portraits - Ottawa

All that’s involved is to show up with your people, spend five minutes with a technician plugging in your digital SLR camera. Lights are set up. We give you the correct settings for your camera. All you do is… start shooting.

At the end of the session you go home and download your photos. You own your copyright. You can print, email, copy, upload, edit as you wish.


Ottawa Studio Works 160 Preston St., between Gladstone and Somerset bordering on Little Italy and China Town. The studio is surrounded by wonderful cafés, restaurants, bars and sandwich shops.

Ottawa Studio Works is a working photography studio offering an 11×24 main studio with a support room available for make-up and styling. Bathroom and kitchenette are also available to support your portrait session.


Introductory cost for 1 hour session

$125 + HST

Book your session for an hour. The second consecutive hour is $100 + HST.



Check what dates are possible in November and December.

By appointment only – Please contact us to see what is available.

Contact us by email or by phone at 819-827-9460 for more information and to book your Do-It-Yourself Portrait Session.

Do-it-Yourself Portraits - Ottawa Photo Studio

Do-it-Yourself Portraits - Ottawa Photo Studio

#682 Ottawa Photo Studio featured

Last week we were contacted about a studio rental for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation for the filming of a 10 second spot to be featured at select movie theatres.

As it’s such a good cause we asked if we could feature the session on the blog to get a little more awareness out there. No problem.


Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation

Katie, the star of the video, showed up with her support team. Honey and Dear were brought in for the video. Everything went smoothly for Emily, Katie and the CBCF.

Thanks to everyone for allowing us to sit in on your session at Ottawa Studio Works.

Ottawa photo studio

CBCF @ Ottawa Studio Works

Ottawa photo studio

CBCF @ Ottawa Studio Works

Ottawa photo studio

CBCF - Ottawa Studio Works

Ottawa photo studio

CBCF @ Ottawa Studio Works

Ottawa photo studio

CBCF @ Ottawa Studio Works

Ottawa photo studio

CBCF @ Ottawa Studio Works

Ottawa photo studio

CBCF @ Ottawa Studio Works

Ottawa photo studio

CBCF @ Ottawa Studio Works



#682 Exposed! Photo Newsletter – Homework Ideas to Improve Your Photography

I’ve been shooting for years – but I just can’t seem to take my photography to the next level.

I hear a lot of comments like this: People who have been shooting for years but get stuck in a rut.

They’re accomplished and are very comfortable doing things the way they’ve been doing things. And that’s part of the problem.

In this edition of Exposed! we look at ways to shake up your comfort level to improve your photos.

Read “Homework Ideas to Improve Your Photography

Homework Ideas to Improve your Photography

Homework Ideas to Improve your Photography

#681 Baby photos revisited

Remember Daniel?

He and his wife were waiting for a baby to arrive this summer.

While they waited Daniel’s wife found our website and asked us about a “How-to-take-baby-photos” custom course… We spent half a day going over photography’s fundamentals and I brought in a wee model for him to practice at our studio.

Baby photography - Custom Course - Ottawa

Student Photo (Daniel B) - Baby photography - Custom Course - Ottawa

Well, yes, the happy couple now have a beautiful baby boy! I heard from Daniel last week. He was pretty excited:

… and when he was 7 days old we produced his first photo shooting session. I’m very satisfied with the results and Mommy is very, very happy.
Daniel’s photos of his son are presented in this blog post.
Maternity Photography - Custom Course - Ottawa

Student Photo (Daniel B) -Baby Photography - Custom Course - Ottawa

I’m pretty pleased at his successes after his Custom Course, too! He did very well.

I developed the curriculum for our fundamentals course over 11 years ago. It’s based on almost 20 years of photo and teaching experience. Other workshops grew from there. It makes me smile to see our student’s successes!

Congratulations Daniel & Mommy & baby!

Newborn Photography - Custom Course - Ottawa

Student Photo (Daniel B) - Newborn Photography - Custom Course - Ottawa

#680Natural Light Portraits Photo Workshop Review

Earlier this month we ran one of our longest running photo classes in Ottawa – Natural Light Portraits.

Portraits Photo Workshop - Ottawa

Student Photo - Portraits Photo Workshop - Ottawa

We start with students in our photo studio covering theory on everything from cameras to technical photography, flash and then talk about working with the people at the other end of the cameras.

Portraits Photo Workshop - Ottawa

Portraits Photo Workshop – Ottawa

On the weekend we transform the course learning from technical to practical bringing in groups of people to model for the portrait photographers. You can see the intensity increase as students feel some performance pressure – all with comfort of support close by.

Ottawa Portrait Photo Class

Ottawa Portrait Photo Class - Working with the models

We finished the workshop last week with some review and critique.

It’s a big course with good results – students climb to a new level of photography.

We usually run this course twice a year – January and the summer. Next dates are coming just after the holidays:

Natural Light Portraits – January 10, 14, 17, 2012.


Portraits Photo Workshop - Ottawa

Portraits Photo Workshop - Ottawa

#679 Ottawa area wedding photography fun

We recently photographed a perfect summer wedding – blue skies, warm weather for K&K. Their wedding was a casual affair in the Gatineau Hills near Wakefield, just north of Ottawa.

My wedding photography is a candid, photojournalistic style capturing the fun of the day.

And fun it was… The service was short, the celebration lasted well into the evening. This is how the day went:

K was escorted ‘down the aisle’ by her father…

Ottawa area wedding photography

K+K Wedding photography

The Bride and Groom quickly made it official at a simple ceremony

Wakefield Weeding Photo

K+K Wedding Photo

Smiles and a short walk to family photos…

Ottawa area wedding photography

K+K Wedding photography

The getaway vehicle…

Wakefield Wedding Photography

K+K Wedding Photo

Family photos (but I use SLR cameras… not ‘point and shoots’!)…

Wakefield Wedding Photography

K+K Wedding photography

Much celebrating…


Wedding photography Gatineau

K+K Wedding Photography

And more celebrating…

Wedding photography Ottawa area

K+K Wedding Photo

I stole the happy couple away for a few wedding photos before delicious festivities under the big tent…

Ottawa wedding photography

K+K Wedding photography

I caught a few more unplanned portraits…

Wedding photography near Wakefield

K+K Wedding Photography

And, yes, more celebrating…

Wakefield wedding photography

K+K wedding photography

The couple had a wonderful day:

“The photos look great! We are very happy with them. We also had a blast, and we were happy you were there.”

Harry says “Thanks for the fun…”



#678 Portrait People

My favourite style of portrait session is a casual portrait of people in their environment being themselves, allowing their own personality to unfold.

In August I provided portraits to C&J. I have worked for them before. It’s nice to have them back on the blog!

Two years ago when we did our first portrait session she told me it was their first ‘proper’ portrait since they were marriedsome years ago.

He often plays the part of a grumpy man but his smiling side shines if you know how to coax it. They’re wonderful people!:

Ottawa Portrait Photographer

Candid Portraits

#677 Student Success – photo class graduate Scott Martin

A couple of years ago I got a call from Scott Martin – he was interested in photography in a big way. After much hard work Scott graduated from our ProProgram and many of our photo classes.

His interests were in sports & music. After networking, shooting and putting in some time, Scott is starting to see his work pay off.

The Balconies - Scott Martin photo

The Balconies - Scott Martin photo

He’s been following the local music scene for a few years now – posting news and photos to SpotlightOttawa.com – including coverage of Live 88.5‘s “Big Money Shot“. Scott’s photography caught the music station’s attention and his work is gracing their annual album cover for the Big Money Shot.

Read about Scott’s successes.

 Big Money Shot cd cover

Big Money Shot cd cover

It always makes me smile to see our students succeed – Not bad for someone who started shooting in the last few years!

Interested in cranking up your photo learning curve like Scott?

See our fall line-up of photo workshops.


#676 Custom Photo Class – success

Recently we ran a Custom Photo Class in Ottawa for Sarah and two friends who were looking to learn the basics of digital photography.

We arranged the photo session and started dishing out the lessons from Creative Fundamentals, very gently at first and more challenging as the lessons were learned.

We started with the very basics, moved to exposure and then some advanced exposure:

Ottawa photo workshop backlighting

Ottawa photo workshop - backlighting

Ottawa photo workshop - silhouettes

Ottawa photo workshop - silhouettes

We played with depth of field – controlling blur with aperture:

Ottawa Photo Course - Blurring Backgrounds

Ottawa Photo Course - Blurring Backgrounds

And controlling blur using the shutter speed:

Ottawa Photo Course - Blurring Motion

Ottawa Photo Course - Blurring Motion

We also learned the ideas of composition to tie it all together:

Ottawa Photo Class - composition

Ottawa Photo Class - composition

All in all these new photographers ended the photo class with some magnificent photos.

Not bad, eh?!

Creative Fundamentals usually runs three times a year – fall, winter and spring.

Our next group session starts next week.

Custom courses are available almost anytime…

What they said:

We all had a great time on Friday. Thank you for a great course!

It was wonderful & exciting. I’ve always thought of myself as an impossible photographer. The course has left me with the confidence, patience & motivation to try and capture those photos I keep seeing. I appreciated your patience and the time you gave the three of us to ensure we understood.

We all raved about how lucky and grateful we were to have learnt from you, your knowledge & experience.”

from Sarah and friends, Aylmer + Wakefield. Custom Course – Creative Fundamentals

And thank-YOU, Sarah and friends, for the fun and for sharing your photos on our photo blog! Your comments make me blush!