This coming weekend we will be pitching the largest selection of our Watershed exhibition so far – we have just printed some new work for the first time.
Please join us at The New Art Festival in the Glebe’s Central Park next weekend – June 2 and 3, 2012.
Find us at booth 19 NORTH. That’s near the intersection of Bank and Patterson.
“Watershed” – weaves its way from the headwaters in Gatineau Park crossing boundaries, backyards, and a village eventually falling into the Ottawa River. The process of exploration and photography began over 10 years ago as my dog and I wandered, wondering where the creek behind our house went.

Watershed Art Exhibit - Ottawa
As Watershed transformed from fun adventure into a collection of artwork I revisited sites on the waterway documenting the landscapes encountered by the liquid thread: rusted debris, concrete monsters and devastatingly pristine beauty. The creek refuses containment and consistency.
On the journey I found ever changing magnicence, carcasses of decaying cars and extensive feats (and wrecks) of bulldozed infrastructure – all around the same water flow. The waterway crosses jurisdictions with a disregard for policy, best intentions and human engineering. The creek respects no boundaries.
Watershed illustrates the power of an innocuous trickle while wryly smiling at attempts to contain, dene and shape the powerful force of water.
The photo exhibition was captured on film and digital equipment from small modern digital SLR cameras to the stunning medium and large format cameras used by masters of landscape photography.
Please join us at The New Art Festival in Ottawa’s Glebe neighbourhood near Bank and Patterson at booth 19 NORTH.

The New Art Festival