We’re excited!!
In September we’ve booked Blair Gable to share his secrets of shooting summer pro field sports as you shoot the Ottawa Sooners Football Club.

Football Photography by Blair Gable
So, who’s Blair?
Blair has photographed the NHL All Star Game, FIFA World Cup Soccer, Toronto Blue Jays, Ottawa Sooners, rugby, hockey for his media outlets.
Blair currently works as an independent photojournalist supplying photo work to Reuters, MacLeans magazine, Globe and Mail, and many other national and international magazines, newspapers and agencies.
In his early years he covered enough sports and events to rise to the top of the field.
Blair is now a sought after shooter. He has photographed Obama, the Queen, Princess Kate, politicians, thugs and celebrities on assignment for different media outlets.
For this workshop he’ll be sharing his sport shooting techniques to help you rise to your potential.
Sat., Sept. 29, 2012 (11-1pm; classroom and 3-7pm (approx) game) Sun., Sept. 30 (1-4pm critique)
• Ottawa Studio Works, 160 Preston St., Ottawa.
• Ottawa Sooners home field at Carleton University
$275 + taxes limited to 8 participants (smallest class sizes around!)
Join the course by email and get the opportunity to shoot high end football as you develop the skills needed to perform!
Register online at the bottom of the Summer Sport Photography workshop page.