#420 Ottawa 67s Hockey Fast and Fun!

Ottawa 67s hocket photo workshop
Ottawa 67s hockey photography workshop

We finished the Ottawa 67s Pro Hockey Photography Workshop on Wednesday with the support of the Ottawa 67s and Vistek (Thanks for your support!). It was a sold out workshop.

Ottawa 67s hockey photography workshop

Ottawa 67s hockey photo workshop

The game was fast paced and the photographers did a great job keeping up with the action! We reviewed participants work and I was happy to see the successes and different styles each person brought to the game!

Ottawa 67s Hockey Photography Workshop

Ottawa 67s Hockey Photography Workshop

One of our current students runs a hockey photo blog – see her photos and post! Nice work Gabrielle!

See some other student photos below:

Ottawa 67s Hockey photo Workshop

Ottawa 67s Hockey photo Workshop

Ottawa 67s Hockey Photo Workshop

Ottawa 67s Hockey Photo Workshop

Ottawa 67s Hockey Photo Workshop

Ottawa 67s Hockey Photo Workshop

Ottawa 67s hockey photo workshop

Ottawa 67s hockey photo workshop

Otawa 67s Hockey Photo Workshop

Otawa 67s Hockey Photo Workshop

Thanks Ottawa 67s for a great event!! Good luck in the rest of the season.

#419 Photography for Communications Professionals

We recently launched registrations for the Photography for Communications Professionals workshop coming up March 24, 2010.

The course has been popular in the past – selling out at the last session in November, 2009.

“Harry leads a focused, interesting, extremely helpful workshop – I got what I came for.”

The workshop was developed with the idea that many communications departments need access to good quality photos while adhering to limited budgets.

Training staff to capably capture photos at meetings, press releases, creating portraits and documenting speeches just makes good sense.

Photography for Communications Professionals - Ottawa/Gatineau

Photography for Communications Professionals - Ottawa/Gatineau

The course offers a good mix of:

  • classroom theory
  • practical shooting exercises
  • constant feedback and critique.

Participants also get a chance to network with others in similar fields to find solutions to various common challenges.

Photography for Communications Professionals creates better photos and many smiles on student’s faces.


Contact us to register.

#418 Portraits follow-up

In January it was Portrait workshop month and we ran two sections of Natural Light Portraits. By the end of the practical shooting session students had tired but satisfied smiles on their faces!

Natural Light Portraits Photo Workshop OttawaNatural Light Portraits Photo Workshop Ottawa

The practical day involved technical exercises followed by portrait sessions with real live humans looking for portraits. Student’s needed to meet, greet and interpret their subject’s desires into an appropriate portrait true to their own style. That’s a challenge. I was impressed with the results!

Natural Light Portraits Photo Workshop Ottawa

Natural Light Portraits Photo Workshop Ottawa

There are some student photos from the session (among others) on the Facebook page set up by past student Prasad for “Harry Nowell’s Alumni Photo club.” You may need to log on to Facebook to see the photos.

Natural Light Portraits Photo Workshop Ottawa

Natural Light Portraits Photo Workshop Ottawa

#417 Ottawa 67s hockey workshop

This weekend we shoot the Ottawa 67s at the Urbandale Centre. This is some of the finest hockey available in the city – players are drafted into the NHL from this league.

Ottawa 67s hockey photo workshop

Ottawa 67s hockey photo workshop

Our workshop is full and the lucky students will shoot from rinkside locations.We will also visit Vistek who will give students a good rate on available rentals.

It’s a fast paced workshop. Time flies and students generally end the day with a tired but happy look on their faces.

Big thanks to Ottawa 67s and Vistek for their support!

Ottawa 67s hockey

Ottawa 67s hockey

Vistek camera store

Vistek camera store

#415 Intro Studio Sessions

In January we ran two separate introductory studio lighting sessions. They are fairly intense sessions held for one or two people looking for a flexible, comfortable session where they can learn the base elements of  studio lighting.

Studio Session

Students learn:

  • hot lights
  • studio strobes
  • evaluating and shaping the light
  • creative possibilities
  • working with models
Studio Session

Studio Session Agenda

Whilw we have an arranged agenda, one of the beauties of the small course is the customize-ability of the session.

The morning is spent learning technical details. The afternoon is spent with models – we seek out people who are appropriate for your style of work. Our models have included newly engaged couples, parents and children, athletes, business people, individuals… all who offer photo challenges for students.

Studio session

The session is limited to two people and is held in studio. This session can be held in student’s new home studios as they learn to use their new lighting systems.

Studio Session

To see student’s recent work check Prasad’s Facebook page: “Harry Nowell Alumni Photo Club.” The photos shown here are shot behind the scenes with available light.

Studio Session

Student Feedback

We run these fairly regularly now and students leave with smiles. One student wrote:

I approached Harry Nowell with a request for a specific lighting course. We discussed what I wanted to cover and he developed for me; an excellent custom course.

The course took six+ hours.  We had time to meet my goals and cover all necessary information, in detail.  I enjoyed Harry’s comprehensive
teaching style, his attention to detail, flexibility and commitment to
excellence.  My custom lighting course exceeded my expectations.

I would recommend this experience to others.

-JC of Ottawa, Canada-

Contact us if you are looking to learn!

#412 Facebook

We have had a fun filled few weeks teaching Fundamentals, Natural Light Portraits and Studio Lighting sessions as well as regular photo work.

Over the weekend I was asked to join the Facebook page  for “Harry Nowell’s Alumni Photo Club” set up by Prasad, one of our regular students. I feel honoured!

Join the group or search Facebook for “Harry Nowell’s Alumni Photo club”and stay tuned to see what others are doing with their photography.

Thanks Prasad!

Teaching about use of flash - Ottawa

Teaching about use of flash - Ottawa

#407 The pirates and portraits

Aargh! Shiver me timbers.

We started the first winter session of Natural Light Portraits last week. A second session starts Wednesday.

One of our ProProgram students captured, erm, me looking like, erm, a pirate at the practical session on Saturday and took the liberty to have some fun with the photo in post production.

Hagen says:

Yesterday we had the main shoot portion of the Natural Lights workshop. One of the nooks I was photographing in had a great background. And Harry naturally cruised in to bestow some much needed wisdom 🙂

Anyway, with his mug, I instantly thought of pirates! I don’t need to explain why.

Erm, thanks Hagen, I think!!:

Portrait workshop ottawa

Portrait workshop ottawa

#402 New Workshop – Innerscapes with Lee Kraamer!

We are excited to have Lee Kraemer coming to lead her Innerscapes Photo Workshop at HarryNowell.com.

Lee Kraemer is a psychotherapist, writer and photographer, in private practice in Toronto.

Lee developed her Innerscapes Workshops with the intention of providing participants with the opportunity to actively explore, experience and develop their creativity.

Lee Kraemer - Innerscapes Photo Workshop

Lee Kraemer - Innerscapes Photo Workshop

Join Lee on an exploration of your creative process and an opportunity to learn about yourself and your photos:

May 14, 15, 16, 2010
central Ottawa, Ontario
$375 + applicable taxes

Innerscapes Photo Workshop with Lee Kraemer

Innerscapes Photo Workshop with Lee Kraemer