#72 Marathon Photos

It was the National Capital Marathon weekend In Ottawa, Canada. I had three jobs:

  • cheering for my girlfriend and friends
  • shooting for stock agencies
  • shooting for the blog

My hat goes off to everyone doing it – the elite who work hard to achieve winningly fast times and those who work hard to achieve finishing the race at all.

Below are a few photos of the event:

Ottawa Marathon - HarryNowell.com



Nice work, everyone!

Shooting sport events is some of my favourite work. Check for my sport event photo workshops and experience the fun!


#63 Exposed!, contest and ski awards!

This week:

  • my monthly newsletter, Exposed! will be sent to subscribers. Catching Superman will be our quest!
  • there will be a prize awarded for the first correct answer of a skill testing question on this blog – stay tuned. The prize will be from ChelseaGallery.ca

On the weekend I went to an awards and end of season banquet for XCOttawa. I provide the elite XC ski team with photos every year: XCOttawa

The team is a small powerhouse of skiers lead by coach, John Suuronen, who, by chance, coached me many, many winters ago! Their site, XCOttawa, is full of ski info!

Some highlights:

Karl Saidla, team president, handing out awards:


Megan McTavish thanking coach John Suuronen for his hard work:


Coach John Suuronen showing off his smile:


The snow will return!


#61 Going fast

I like going fast.

I like making other people look like they’re going fast, too.

Mountain Bike Motion

The picture above was shot on trails in Gatineau Park using techniques of motion I will be discussing in next week’s Exposed! newsletter. Sign up to receive the newsletter at the top, right of this page.

I will be covering these motion techniques in my upcoming bike race photo workshop.

Yeah, it’s fun!

#60 Truth and Rumours

Ok, rumour first.

Nikon is rumoured to be getting ready to release the new D3x – a full frame 24.4 megapixel camera. This would knock the socks off almost any other DSLR on the market and should have Canon a little nervous. For quite some time Canon has been top of the DSLR pile.

So what?

At 24.4 rumoured full frame megapixels this sensor will give you a reasonably big file. If you need a BIG (as opposed to plain big) film is still a very good option. I have been approached by clients with BIG needs knowing I still shoot a lot of film. The fabled D3x may make BIG a closer reality with DSLR cameras.

The potential D3x is starting to get my attention.

I keep a digital camera in my stable for editorial and speedy needs but film still does well for my stock and gallery needs. Claims that digital is cheaper than film are fewer now as people recognize the high cost and quick depreciation of digital cameras and necessary equipment compared to film bodies. The D3x may depreciate over a longer (for the industry) useful timeline because of the relatively big file size. My scanner still wins for quality at the BIG sizes. So the D3x rumours have my attention.

The gossip:

DP Review – Login may be required



Imaging Insider


Want to try some pro or semi pro gear? Headshots Rentals is offering students on my Bike Race Photo Workshop a chance to borrow some pro or semi pro available rental equipment as part of this course! This is an amazing chance to try some high end gear for free within this practical photo session!

Much less exciting… I have a D100 for sale. I have just upgraded to a bigger digital camera for my editorial and speed needing clients. It’ll be a cheap entry to digital for someone. Interested? Let me know.

Truth and Rumours. Very fun.


#57 Remember Scott?

Scott was my assistant for two weeks as he completed his work placement portion of his Algonquin College photo program. He posted many of my blog entries while he worked with me.

Scott is now in Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, a windsurfing mecca. He is combining his love of windsurfing with his photo skills to launch his photo career. A good idea, as people have a better chance at success pursuing those things they love! Of course, good business sense and good timing are needed to achieve your goals, too!

While Scott was here he most wanted to learn about the business side of photography and he helped prepare my Creative Business Seminar. He already has good photo and post processing skills!

Read Scott’s blog to learn about his new business adventure and windsurfing tales. He has an amazing summer scheduled following the wind around the world.

Good luck Scott! I’ll be following your travels to success.

#56 Workshop photos and blogs

Creative Fundamentals photo student, Christine Melenhorst of Love Bunny Photography took some fun pictures on the course, posted below!

There are also two student blogs from that course that show comments about their course experiences and some great pictures!:

Amy’s Insight Photo Blog – orchids and course review.

Love Bunny Blog – babies, and photography views.

Harry reviewing speeding mountain bike motion exercise:


Explaining the idea of full frame pictures before speeding mountain bike focus exercise:

Thanks Amy, Christine and all my students. You make my teaching worthwhile!


#55 Workshops and whitewater

I had one of my Creative Fundamentals groups on the practical part of their course this weekend. In the spring I choose a spot where there are often whitewater paddlers to photograph. Sometimes this course coincides with the Level Six Capital Cup. It’s a fun whitewater kayak and canoe rodeo event put on by Stig and Tyler at Level Six.

The course went well and the festival atmosphere added to the fun for my students! Thanks Level Six!

Stig and Tyler paddled on the Canadian National Team as they started their business. Here is Stig at Ottawa’s downtown Pumphouse slalom paddling site – the site has just undergone major renovations:

Stig at the Pumphouse

Have fun,


#54 My apologies!

Sorry for leaving you without content the last couple of days. Occasionally, I get days that stretch from very early to quite late – Wednesday and Thursday left no time for extras.What was I doing?

Creative Fun is going well. It’s my most popular course – ons graduating student wrote: “I’ve come away with exactly what I needed to get – Thanks!”

My assignment was to photograph Malcolm Isaac’s super insulated house near Wakefield, Quebec. It is built with the ideas of a European Passivhaus that consumes 10% of the energy of a conventionally built Canadian home. The cost is marginally more than a normal house but the $energy savings are astronimcal!

This is Malcolm’s photo of his house (mine must go directly to the magazine – they have first rights!):

Malcolm's Passivhaus

Have fun,


#53 Photo of the Month

Summer is coming…

I have just posted the current photo of the month – race photography from a “criterion bike race.”

I have also just announced a new sport photography workshop – photographing an elite bike race!

For the skiers – there is still snow in “them hills” – yesterday I skinned up Camp Fortune and had a fun tele-descent! Gatineau Park xc trails have less snow.

Have fun,


#52 The week ahead

Scott, assisting me for two weeks as part of his Algonquin College photo course, has moved on to bigger things. Thanks for your help! He has a summer full of photographing windsurfers ahead of him. Lucky man!

Sadly for H, the snow is fast disappearing – the xc trails are getting large patches of dirt and Camp Fortune – the little hill that could – is starting to show a few bare small bare spots. Sigh.

As far as the world of Harry I have a busy week:

  • an assignment for a magazine
  • I am close to submitting a new batch of work to one of my stock agencies
  • I am teaching two workshops
  • I have a new sport photo workshop to announce later this week
  • lots of admin

For some fun have a look at this YouTube video that shows a high profile fashion photo shoot – start to finish. Not everything is as it seems!

Have fun,