Exposed! :: Photography First! ::

© Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved.


"Stop reading. Go and take photos!!!
*And win a photo workshop while you're at it. See details at the end...*

All kinds of people join our ProProgram looking to start a photo business or improve their photography dramatically over a year. It's a great year of learning, photo and personal development.

Sometimes, though, I have to tear people away from reading about photography to actually go and practise photography!


So, in this month's Exposed! photo newsletter we look at the easiest way to get you taking more (and better) pictures.

laptop photos
Shot with my laptop while twirling at the studio - I got dizzy experimenting!

Tactile Learning

One of the most effective ways to learn is tactile learning - or learning by doing. Most people learn best by doing something. Reading and listening usually have less effective results.

So here are some ways to get you learning better by doing more:

laptop photos
More adventurous...

And the most important tip of this newsletter:


Get your camera. Right now! Click away.

Win a Workshop!

Someone will win two free safaris or one spot on Creative Fundamentals Workshop from in 2012.

Send us photos via, or by posting your photo and a link to this newsletter via Facebook, via Twitter (@Harry_Nowell) or through a comment on our blog. For Facebook and Twitter entries, send us an email to confirm your entry!

We will be selecting the winner based on technical merit (small %), quirky fun (more marks) and how quickly the photos appear!

I'm serious! That's the end of the newsletter this month. Go take photos! And send us a few!

laptop photo
Harry says "Get a camera. Right now! Start clicking."