For most people, studio lighting is prohibitively complex and expensive.
it doesn’t need to be!

Simple Studio Lighting – Learn to create beautiful photos with lights you already have at home.
Join us as we explore techniques and everyday tools to produce stunning imagery in your own home. We use flashlights, store-bought lamps, obsolete camera flash and LED light sources to transform your creative ideas into beautiful imagery!
Register below!
What you will learn
Harry will lead you through innovative and inexpensive creative lighting solutions.
Course includes:
• In-class instruction on the challenges of studio lighting
• Introduction to inexpensive resources available for stunning solutions
• Practical shooting with support

Simple Studio Lighting – captured with flashlights and lamps from home.
Thursday, January 9th, 2014 ; 6-9pm
Saturday, January 11th, 2014; 10-4pm
Thursday, January 16th, 2014 ; 6-9pm
• The first session we introduce different option options at 4 different stations of lighting fun.
• Saturday offers the practical day of shooting. We finish with a homework assignment for those who want a stronger challenge!
• The final session is critique night where we share successes and challenges.
Workshop is held in central Ottawa at Ottawa Studio Works.
$350 + applicable taxes

Student Photo – Shot with simple lights found at home!
“Is this a digital or film course?”
It is a photography course – about creating better pictures. The emphasis is on your skills behind the camera and your ability to effectively use the camera you have. Digital cameras will make immediate critique easier. Film shooters are very welcome. A tripod is strongly recommended!
Space is limited! A $125 deposit is required to reserve your spot or you can choose to pay the full $350 amount.
Or to register through a real, live human with credit card or cheque contact us by email or by phone at 819-827-9460.