Learn to tell stories at home or on your travels with award winning, globe-trotting, social documentary photographer David Trattles.

David Trattles Travel Photographer
Other ways to describe David’s workshop:
• “Dave’s photo workshop on life, laughter, and how to create an intimate story with people at street level.”
• “How to capture the social fabric of a people or community with Dave”
• “Burst with smiles and laughter as David Trattles guides you through the essence of street level photography.”

© David Trattles – Tuktoyaktuk playground
Extraordinary Things
Dave does things in extraordinary ways including how he leads the workshop. A past HarryNowell.com student asked “Will there be any… practical application, or is it all lecture?”
Dave doesn’t lecture! His workshop is based out of Ottawa Studio Works with lively, provocative sessions that will teach you more than you would ever learn at a semester of photo classes. David: “… the workshop will be a series of take away assignments followed by review and discussion with the intention of building narrative.”

David Trattles exhibiting his archives
David does things differently and challenges your perception of story-telling, travel and photography. On this four part session David meets with you to:
• critique your work
• develop a narrative
• help you connect with people in a different way.
David’s sessions are not technical! You will not be discussing f-stops and post production. You will be discussing vision, narrative and story-telling.
Past praise for the David Trattles Workshop
• “Harry – thank you for introducing me to David. This course has changed the way I take photographs. More importantly it has changed the way I see myself and the world around me. It’s not about WHAT we see in the world through the rectangular viewfinder but HOW we see the world. My journey through photojournalism will begin with a smile and a hand shake, not the sound of a shutter.
This is me. This is what I want to do.”
Prasad J.

© David Trattles – Boxing Ladies of Calcutta
• “I have not seen anything even close to this offered in Ottawa. David has an impressive history of capturing the personalities of people all over the world.”
Sue S.
• “I got to know Dave Trattles a bit a few years ago. I was fascinated by his life and enthusiasm, and impressed by the personal involvement and empathy he has for his subjects. I think he is a brilliant social documentary photographer and one of the most genuine and committed people I have ever met.
Despite Dave’s assurance that the workshop wasn’t about f-stops and
technical perfection, I think I used more different settings on my camera than I had ever done before in such a short time. It was all very unnatural for me, but I was amazed at the results. I really appreciated the challenge Dave gave me to see outside my photographic box. I feel a lot freer from my viewfinder, squaring images up and having everything in focus!”
Ross N.
About David Trattles
David Trattles has spent the last twenty years traveling the world unearthing fascinating stories of people including women boxers in India, Aids initiatives in Africa, German Rodeos, and good news stories from Canada’s depressed fishing communities. Countless awards, exhibitions, and clients appear on Trattles’ CV.

Jean Chretien and David Trattles
Learn more about David
David Trattles Boxing Ladies of Calcutta (Canadian Geographic & YouTube Video)
David Trattles’ South Indian Bicycle/Photo Adventure
David Trattles and German Rodeo
Workshop Date:
September 12-15, 2013:
Thursday, September 12: 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Friday, September 13: 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Saturday, September 14 10:00am – 1:00pm
Sunday, September 15: 10:00am – 1:00pm
Please note! These times are flexible – Dave doesn’t follow a watch too closely – please allow for some variation in scheduling!
Workshop is held in central Ottawa at Ottawa Studio Works
$375 + applicable taxes
Class has a minimum of 6 participants and a maximum of 8.
This course is currently full! Please email to add your name to the wait list.
A $125 deposit is required to reserve your spot. You may pay the deposit or full amount. Remaining payment is due on the first day of the course.
Or to register through a real, live human with credit card or cheque contact us by email or by phone at 819-827-9460.